bleeding problem treatment in jaipur

Bleeding Problem Treatment in Jaipur

Bleeding Problem Treatment –

Many women associate bleeding while pregnant with miscarriage. But it’s actually a common issue, especially in the first 20 weeks when 25-40% of women have vaginal bleeding. Even so, bleeding should still be taken seriously to rule out any potential pregnancy complications.

  • Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy has many causes. Some are serious, whereas others are not. Bleeding can occur early or later in pregnancy. Bleeding in early pregnancy is common. In many cases, it does not signal a major problem. Bleeding later in pregnancy can be more serious. It is best to contact your obstetrician-gynecologist (ob-gyn) or other health care professional if you have any bleeding at any time during pregnancy
  • Any vaginal bleeding late during pregnancy is considered a warning sign, except for the bloody show, which is only a small amount of blood mixed with mucus and which does not last long.
  • Doctors are particularly concerned about women who have fainted, feel light-headed, or have a racing heart—symptoms that suggest very low blood pressure

bleeding problem treatment in jaipur

Below are a few possible reasons for vaginal bleeding:

  • Very early in pregnancy, bleeding can occur when the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. Implantation bleeding is perfectly normal and is sometimes mistaken for a shorter period.
  • Light bleeding, or spotting, can occur after a gynecological exam or sexual intercourse. Your cervix is more sensitive because the uterus becomes highly vascularized during pregnancy. This type of light bleeding is nothing to worry
  • Bleeding disorders, also known as coagulopathy, are conditions that affect your body’s ability to clot normally at the site of an injury, resulting in bleeding that can range from mild to severe. The bleeding can be inside or outside the body.
  • During pregnancy, bleeding disorders can pose serious risks to the mother and baby.
    Most bleeding disorders are inherited. Others are acquired, meaning they may develop at any time, in some cases as a result of pregnancy. so book an appointment bleeding problem related specialist doctor in Jaipur.

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Bleeding during early pregnancy and taking care of yourself at home –

  1. Getting plenty of rest.
  2. Using pads rather than tampons while you are bleeding.
    Avoiding sex while you are bleeding.
  3. Taking mild pain relief medication, such as paracetamol, if needed.
  4. Reporting any changes in your condition to your best lady doctor in Jaipur.

If you have bleeding, several factors can indicate whether it’s cause for concern, including the type and amount of blood you pass and where you are in your pregnancy. To be safe, contact us for the bleeding problem related specialist lady doctor in Jaipur. if you notice any sign of blood so we can evaluate your personal risks of pregnancy complications.

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