Laparoscopy Surgeon In Jaipur



Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure used to diagnose organs inside the abdomen and helps in treatment for chronic disease, diverticulitis, cancer, ulcerative colitis, rectal prolapse, and severe constipation. Laparoscopy Surgery is a low-risk, minimally invasive procedure that requires only small incisions. Laparoscopy uses a laparoscope instrument to look at the abdominal organs. A laparoscope is a long thin tube with a high-resolution camera & high-intensity light at the front. The laparoscope is inserted through the abdominal wall through an incision & the camera sends images to the video monitor to help procedure of surgery. Additional surgical instruments are also used at times. Up to three or four small incisions can often be expected for the surgery.

Once the procedure is complete, the surgeon removes most of the CO2 from the abdomen, removes used instruments, closes the incisions through stitches & covers the area with bandages. As per Best Laparoscopy Surgeon in Jaipur, Dr. Pratima Poddar, some patients are discharged from hospital same day, some people need hospitalization for the full recovery. Generally, laparoscopy has a less healing time than open surgery and it leaves smaller scars of the incision.

Although laparoscopy surgery is safe and secure but there are some risks associated with laparoscopy such as bleeding, infection, and damage to organs in your abdomen. However, these risks are very rare. To prevent the risks a person should update about all prior conditions and medication to the laparoscopic surgeon or gynecologist. It is necessary to understand your health condition before going for any surgery whether it’s open or laparoscopic.


  • Reversal of a contraceptive surgery/tubal ligation
  • Vault suspension to treat a prolapsed uterus
  • Hysterectomy, or removal of the uterus
  • Blocking blood flow to fibroids
  • Endometrial tissue ablation
  • Removal of ovarian cysts
  • Removal of the ovaries
  • Removal of fibroids
  • Adhesion removal


  • Early Discharge after Treatment
  • Helps in Investigating Bladder
  • Helps to Diagnose Disease
  • Shorter Hospital Stay
  • Infection Risk is Less
  • Low Risk Treatment
  • Fastest Recovery
  • Less Discomfort
  • Less Invasive

Laparoscopy Surgery :

Laparoscopy is a modern technique of surgery that being widely used in medical sector over 30 years. It can be performed through small incisions in the body. As compared to other surgeries Laparoscopy reduces pain and hemorrhage.

In this process an instrument called Laparoscope is used which is a long, thin, cylindrical tube-like instrument with high intensity light and high-resolution camera to look inside the abdominal organs.

Laparoscopic surgery allows a surgeon to look inside patient’s body without open it. During this process, the surgeon makes incision below belly button and inserts a small tube- Cannula. The Cannula uses carbon di oxide to inflate abdomen and allow the surgeon to see abdominal organs more clearly.

Once the abdomen become flat, laparoscope inserts through a small incision. The camera attached to laparoscope displays an image on screen, allowing organs to be viewed in real time.

In which gynecological processes, Laparoscopy is used ?

Laparoscopy has gained a leading role and appears to be gold standard method for a quite wide range of gynecologic procedures such as:

  • Removal of ovarian cyst
  • Tubal ligation
  • Treatment of ectopic pregnancy
  • Hemorrhagic cyst
  • Exploration of chronic pelvic pain
  • Sterility
  • Treatment of Endometriosis
  • Removal of fibromyomata
  • Hysterectomy
  • Treatment of pelvic organ prolepses
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Gynecologic cancer

Benefits of Laparoscopy :

  • Less bleeding
  • Absence of Hernia and intestinal blockage
  • Less pain
  • Small incision
  • Less risk of infection
  • Faster recovery


How much time it takes to recover from laparoscopy ?

The time of recovery is depending open several factors such as:

  • Physical condition of patient
  • Type of anesthesia used
  • Body’s reaction to the surgery

Side Effects of Laparoscopy :

A group of symptoms might occur for a few days after Laparoscopy surgery such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Discomfort at the sight of incision
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Shoulder or back pain

“ Laparoscopic surgery represents the greatest advancement in modern surgical care. ”